About The Author

I offer my sastanga-dandavat pranams unto my divine diksa-guru, Sri Srimad Bhakti Vikasa Swami Maharaja.

I offer my sastanga-dandavat-pranams unto my divine siksa-guru Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Tripurari.

If there is anything good in my writing, it is truly because of these two veritable saints of gaudiya-vaishnavism. I humbly offer all my efforts to expound upon the gaudiya theistic conception, to them.

And unto all the sincere hearted readers, I offer my repeated dandavats unto you. I hope you will see past any innocent mistakes and just drink whatever nectar is to be found here. Just as gold can be purified by a fire which is lit by a condemnable barbarian, I truly hope that you will take to your heart whatever golden nuggets can be found here.

Your humble servant, Babhru Dasa

For Inquiry or Private Discussion: bdasa108@gmail.com