Bhramara-siksa (Instruction of a Bee)

17 Sep

By: Babhru Dasa

Oh my dear helpful mind! Just as a drunken bee hovers perpetually over the honey laden lotus flower, won’t you kindly hover amidst the transcendental existence of Sri Krsna, which is overflowing with eternal, lovely, blissfulness?

Oh my dear powerful eyes! Won’t you please always hover upon the divine form of Hari, just as a starving bee is always fixed upon the fully blossomed lotus flower that is oozing honey?

Oh my dear nostrils! Do not waste any time! Simply always hover upon the divine fragrance that emanates from Govinda’s body. Will a thirsty bee who has captured the scent of nectarean honey ever remove itself from the area where such a scent exists?

Oh my capable ears! Upon hearing the sweet sounds of Kanai’s Venu (flute), that dance into the very being of the hearer, just hover your perceptions upon them (Krsna’s sweet flute melodies) without cease. I ask you, could a friendly bee ever dream for one second to hear anything more pleasant than the softly moving petals of the lotus flower in the wind, which satisfies its mind?

Oh my expert tongue! Just as a thirsty bee never stops drinking the sweet honey of the rich lotus flower, please perpetually relish, and use your taste buds to hover your interests around the wonderful taste of Sri Krsna’s blackish-blue body.

Oh my dearest hands! Please always touch and hover about the condensed nectar that is Lord Krsna’s body. Please tell me, is it possible for the intoxicated bee to ever enjoy something less amazing than the softness of the lotus petals, upon which it finds its inner ambition met?

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